My Publications

Read Books, Reviews, Articles, Papers & More
by the Founder of Rochester Homeopathy

Short Stories

Translated Books

Book Editing Projects

  1. Homeopathic Strategies and Maps for Acute Conditions by Dr. Gaurang Gaikwad

  2. Homeopathic Approach in Female Disorders by Dr. Gaurang Gaikwad

  3. The Right Brain Approach by Dr. Dinesh Chauhan

  4. Homeopathy, Nanoscience, Energy Medicine, and Life Code by Richard Grossing

  5. Explore your Inner Human-Animal Connection, The Joshis’ Approach by Dr. Bhawisha and Sachindra Joshi

  6. Beyond the Limits by Dr. Kavitha Kukunoor

  7. A Dose of Spirituality by Dr. Kavitha Kukunooor

  8. Sane Asylum by Jerry Kantor



Homeopathy Papers

Research Papers

  1. Detection of Congored Binding Ability Among Enteroinvasive and Other Escherichia coli. Vatsala B.R., Bouzari S., Varghese A. Medical Science Research UK vol 18, p. 971 1990

  2. Invitro adherence of cyto-lethal distending toxin CLDT producing EPEC strain and effect of the toxin on rabbit intestine. Bouzari S., Vatsala. B.R., Varghese A. Microbial pathogenesis  [England] February 1992, 12 (2 p. 1537-7) 

  3. Multi Drug Resistant Salmonella typhi Infection in Children Below Three Years. Sarala R., Kalpana G., Vatsala B.R. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, vol 41 issue 1, 1993, pg 52-54. 

  4. Characterization of vero-toxin producing EPEC from children with diarrhea: effect of the toxin on rabbit intestine. Bouzari S, Vatsala BR, Varghese A. Medical journal of Islamic Republic of Iran, Vol 8 number 1 May 1994 

  5. Acute Acalculus Cholecystitis Associated with Enteric Fever in Children. Thambidorai C.R., Shyamala J., Sarala R., Vatsala B.R. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, Vol 14, No.8 USA, 1995

  6. Patterns of Resistant Salmonella typhi Infections in infants. Sarala R., Anandi TB, Subha S., Vatsala B.R. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics Vol 41, 1995, P52-54 UK

  7. Klebsiella serotyping: Pulse Filed Gel Electrophoresis in comparison with O:K Serotyping DS Hansen, Rskov, JV Benedi, V Sperling, HJ Kolmos Journal of clinical microbiology and infection 2002 8:397-404

Research Publications & Academic Activities in the Field of Clinical Microbiology

From 1986 till 1996, Vatsala Sperling attended clinical microbiology seminars, conferences and symposia where she presented brief papers based on her research work. About 40 different abstracts of these brief papers were published in the seminar / symposia handbooks and are currently not available.

Public Promotion for Homeopathy

  1. Given a talk on “What is homeopathy” to a group of patrons in a local library, Brandon, Vermont, 2008.

  2. Given a talk on “The place of homeopathy among alternative healing modalities” to a group of alternative practitioners in Vermont, 2009 

  3. Given a talk on “Connection between yoga and homeopathy” to a group of yogis in Pittsfield, Vermont, 2010. 

  4. Given a talk on “What is Homeopathy” to a women’s assembly, Vermont, 2014 

  5. Given a talk on “Homeopathy and spirituality” in Arenal, Costa Rica, July 2014.

  6. Given a talk on “Homeopathy: less is more” in Casa Zen, Alajuela, Costa Rica, 2016

  7. Given a talk on “The Secret to Becoming A Successful Practitioner”

  8. Invited as a guest and panelist by Dr. Dinesh Chauhan for his webinar on “The right way of using the right brain approach”

  9. Pre-summit announcement for online global homeopathic summit

  10. Learning from Experience - Presentation

  11. Presentation at Joint American Homeopathy conference, 50th anniversary of NCH - Presentation

  12. Learning from Experience: The Council for Homeopathic Certification

  13. Global Homeopathic Summit 2023 Recap