Book Reviews

Read insightful and detailed book reviews crafted by and about Vatsala Sperling, who offers her unique perspective and thoughts on various literature.

  1. Homeopathy: Good science, how new science validates Homeopathy

  2. About potencies

  3. Biogenealogy: Decoding psychic roots of illness

  4. Active Consciousness: Awakening the power within

  5. The art of follow up

  6. The Uranium series: Actinides in Homeopathy

  7. The last series

  8. Fairylike mosses  

  9. Autopathy handbook

  10. Healing cancer: A homeopathic approach vol 1 and 2

  11. Free as a bird: bird remedies in homeopathic practice

  12. The periodic table in homeopathy: Silver series 

  13. Homeopathy and psychiatry: Personal evolution model 

  14. Psyche and structure: Crystals and minerals in homeopathy

  15. Dreams in homeopathy 

  16. How aphorism 27 changed the world

  17. Tongue that does not lie

  18. Pandas- a natural and homeopathic approach

  19. Homeopathy and patterns in mammals

  20. Dynamic gemmotherapy, integrative embryonic phytotherapy

  21. Practical handbook of veterinary homeopathy: healing our companion animals from inside out

  22. The Fibonacci potencies series

  23. Raising a vaccine free child 

  24. Explore your inner animal-human connection 

  25. The orchids in homeopathy 

  26. Homeopathy for plants

  27. Radiance, resonance and healing: The homeopathic periodic table

  28. The system of MAPS and birds in homeopathy

  29. Freedom from infectious disease: The homeopathic solution

  30. Mammal remedies in homeopathy 

  31. The substance of homeopathy

  32. The spirit of homeopathy

  33. Healing complex children with homeopathy

  34. Carbon: Organic and hydrocarbon remedies in homeopathy

  35. Reptiles

  36. Homeopathy at Wellie level

  37. Hahnemann’s homeopathy: the classification and treatment of disease according to Dr. Samuel Hahnemann 

  38. The soul of remedies 

  39. Mammals in homeopathy: vol 1 and 2 

  40. Dog, yogi, banyan tree

  41. About potencies

  42. Materia medica of nosodes and sarcodes

  43. An insight into plants vol I, II and III

  44. The System of homeopathy

  45. Sensation refined

  46. Structure volume 1 and 2

  47. Elements of Homeopathy, vol 1 and 2 by Dr P Sankaran

  48. Survival: The Molluscs

  49. Hahnemann's homeopathy: The classification and treatment nt of disease according to Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

  50. Hahnemann's homeopati

  51. Conquering thyroid with homeopathy

  52. The Faces of Homeopathy, an illustrated history of the first 200 years

  53. My journey in homeopathy, much ado about nothing

  54. The Right Brain Approach in Homeopathy

  55. Survival- The reptiles, Volume 1 and 2

  56. Sane Asylum: The success of homeopathy before psychiatry lost its mind

  57. Neurodegenerative diseases: Prevention and therapy through homeopathy and natural medicine

  58. Essential expressions of the vital force

  59. The art of follow up

  60. Manjhi the boatman

  61. Everyday homeopathy for animals

  62. Little Angels

  63. The homeopathic treatment of beef and dairy cattle

  64. Exact, Complete, Depth - the eight box method of case analysis

  65. Art of repertorization

  66. New insight into animal kingdom

  67. Homeopathy and dementia volume 1

  68. Colubrid snakes review Hardy

  69. Colubrid snakes review Grossinger

  70. Colubrid snakes review Raj Guru

  71. Colubrid snake review Raj Guru (The Homeopathic Heritage)

  72. A dynamic materia media of the noble gases: Neon

  73. Homeopathic strategies and maps for acute conditions, part 1

  74. Colubrid snake review Firuzi Mehta Homeopathy Today

  75. Colubrid snakes book review David Johnson SPECTRUM (German)

  76. The Emotional Roots of Chronic Illness, Homeopathy for Existential Stress by Jerry M. Kantor 

  77. The noble gases, Argon

  78. Homeopathic Heritage: In Italics Red Column

  79. New Dawn: Glysophate Free

  80. Aqua, water remedies in homeopathy

  81. Vaccine Injured Children: 21st Century Tragedy by Dr. Isaac Golden is reviewed by Vatsala Sperling

  82. Arthropods, by Frans Vermeulen

  83. Organon Reflections, Bringing Homeopathic Philosophy Into Today’s Medical Practice by Dr. Wendy Jensen

  84. Homeopathy and Dementia, Volume 1 by Louis Klein

  85. Folkways And Homeopathy, Our Ancestral Secret of Healing, by Dr. Shailendra R Vaishampayan, is reviewed by Vatsala Spering

  86. Revealing the Secrets of Homeopathic Biochemics by Dr. Swapna Potdar

  87. Live Right For Your Remedy Type by Gabrielle Traub

  88. Colubrid Snake Remedies: Jo Harper

  89. Colubrid Snake Remedies: David Johnson

  90. The Prophylactic Use of homeopathic Medicines, Historical Evidence, and Current Findings by Catherine G. Lemmon

  91. Organotherapy, Drainage and Detoxification: A Starting Point to Safe Practice for Medical Practitioners of All Denominations by Dr. Joe Rozencwajg

  92. The Sacrifices of Superwomen – Natural Remedies To Restore Balance by Andrea Sullivan

  93. Conscientious Objector, Why I Became a Homeopath by Richard Moskowitz MD – reviewed by Vatsala Sperling

  94. Flourishing Against the Odds – Homeopathy for our Rapidly Changing World by Elizabeth Adalian and Nigel Hargreaves

  95. Autism Reversal Toolbox – Strategies, Remedies, Resources by Jerry M. Kantor–reviewed by Vatsala Sperling

  96. ADHD or How Carefree Childhood Can Be – by Viktoria Nemeth and Roberto Petrucci – reviewed by Vatsala Sperling